Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Prince Iltharis of Lothern

I still have been plugging away at my High Elves for the Badlands campaign. We have done two turns so far, and I have not done so well with the Elves. Hoping that my luck might be better in the next turn.

That said, I did finish another general for one of my three armies with a bit of background.

Prince Iltharis of Lothern

An experienced seafarer, he is more at home on the deck of a ship than with the fops at court. A master swordsmen who with his ships company, The Storm Riders, have a reputation for ruthless boarding actions against their dark kin. One such foray rendered Iltharis blind at the hands of the Druchii, however his loss of sight has not dulled his expert navigation skills, or his skills with his blade, 'Blood Prow', which cuts through his foes like the bow of a ship, and leaves behind a wake of death.

I also remembered to take some photos of the game against the Beastmen, so will write something up soonish.

Thanks for looking, Cheers!


  1. This is such a cool miniature! I really like the colours you used on the runes of the sword. Some time in the future, I'll have the time to paint my collection of high elf heroes...

    1. Cheers! It was a lot of fun to paint. I hope to see your efforts on your high elves!
