Friday, 3 January 2025

Tiranoc chariot

Got super productive and assembled, primed and painted an old 5th edition era High Elf Chariot, very rare to have such a quick turnaround!

I was really dreading painting this one, as I remember painting High Elf chariots in my old army, and I remember them being quite a pain and labour intensive.That said, this one was a breeze to paint, and it was nice to focus on another elven kingdom while painting on it. As it was Tiranoc, I went with the yellow as the Kingdom colour, and painting it reminds me of summer and the beach. Great vibes!

Anyways, here is the journey.

Great model.

Next up is more High Elves. Unsure what though, though I am tempted to paint either more Sisters of Avelorn, Silver Helms or another chariot.

Thanks for looking!

Thursday, 2 January 2025

Sisters of Avelorn - High Elf update for The Old World

Finished this unit! Very pleased with how they turned out. They along with the Handmaiden, some Silverhelms and a chariot make my initial 500 pts for the Badlands campaign.

I do have two more boxes to assemble of these sisters, though unsure if I will be working on them until after my initial 1000 points is done. We shall see. 

I am working on some army markers for the campaign, and having the fellas around on Friday for our first game turns. I am very excited, though I am unsure if i will get my final model done before then.

Anyways, thanks for looking!

Thursday, 26 December 2024

Alithair - Handmaiden of the Everqueen

 Total War Warhammer 2 really sucked me back into collecting and painting High Elves. Great campaign, amazing music score and seeing all those blue bolts from the sisters of Avelorn hit into enemy ranks and delete them was a thing of beauty.

So with the start of this new Blood in the Badlands Campaign, I decided to go for the Asur, and naturally had to start with a Handmaiden of the Everqueen.

I have has this model for a long time, so it was good to put some paint on it. It did require some fixing and bending as it is a finecast model, but I think it turned out alright.

She led a contingent of Sisters in their first 500 point game on Monday. I was mightily impressed by the sisters, whereas the 19 Swordmasters charged, hit like a wet fish, broke on a double 6 and got ran down. The sisters though, got charged, killed more than the Swordmasters and ran them off. So needless to say, they are on the painting table. 

To be a bit cheeky and build the narrative, I sent this poem to the Skaven player that destroyed my High Elves.

Beneath the silvered moon I tread,
A vengeance burning deep, unsaid.
My bow is taut, my arrow sharp,
I seek the mark where shadows harp.

Long years have passed, yet still I feel
The wound that time cannot conceal.
The trees have whispered of your sin,
And now the hunt begins again.

You, who mocked my sacred grace,
You, who left me in disgrace,
With every breath, I track your lies,
And in the end, your soul shall die.

The forest trembles with my rage,
Its whispers turning to a cage.
For vengeance calls, as swift as light,
And all shall burn beneath its bite.

The stars above shall witness this,
The moment when your heart does miss.
For I, the last of ancient kin,
Shall take the blood that’s mine to win.

No mercy shall my hand bestow,
As shadows fall, and winds do blow.
The years may pass, but fate shall find,
That vengeance is a mark, well-kind.

And when your ashes kiss the earth,
I’ll stand, at last, in solemn mirth—
For in this world, so torn and vast,
It is revenge that holds me fast.

- Alithair, Handmaiden of the Everqueen

Thanks for looking!

Tuesday, 24 December 2024

From the skies! High Elves from Ulthuan.

The last of my updates from painting this year that I forgot to blog. A High Elf on a Pegasus. I painted this model for the intention of playing some linked narrative games linked to Grom's invasion of Yvresse. 

Unfortunately, I got distracted by the Templar's, however, some chance occurrence has meant that once again fantasy is back on the menu with a decent number of people interested in The Old World. Provided interest stays high, we will be delving into a campaign using the 8th edition book, Blood in the Badlands. 

I have decided to take the Elves, as I need an excuse to paint them (the Dwarves were tempting,a s was Warriors of Chaos and Empire). 

Hopefully this model will come in handy as a noble on a great eagle.

Kept a classic scheme for this model. Need to do a banner pennant at some stage, once I work out the dimensions. 

Anyways, thanks for looking!

Saturday, 21 December 2024

Black Templar's update

And here is where most of my painting efforts have gone this year!

And most of the games too.

Painted this unit first as their heroic exploits in multiple games earned them that right. Always had the mission in mind, hardly killed anything (except for a World Eater Lord in one game), but reaped a terrible toll in victory points. Great unit.
Primaris Crusader squad. Charge, kill, rinse, repeat.
Sword Brethren. I still need to do the heraldry on the small shields. I had a mind to do it with transfers but that didn't turn out as easy as I hoped. I will get to them at some stage.
The humble techmarine. Always has trouble trying to keep up with the redemptor.
Judiciar. I didn't know how much of a must have model this was, until I painted one and started using it. Unbelievable. I wasn't a fan of the original model, so used the chaplain model from the Indominatus set as a base and just started adding things from the Black Templar's upgrade sprue. I am very happy with how it turned out.
Redemptor Dreadnought. An absolute beast in games. I have since done the heraldry on his knee pad due to outstanding performance is all games. First game he killed two plague burst crawlers and kept me in the lead in victory points by holding objectives and not dying. Had to go with the retro flames on the plasma.

Helbrecht. My friends hate him, I love him. Painted him thus far without his servitors as he just looks cool. Amazing model.

My super marshal, Henry Cavill. I needed a marshal model so I wasn't using Helbrecht all the time. Wasn't a huge fan of the original, so used the Helbrecht model as a base, used some spare parts from the Sword Brethren kit for the arms and flipped the sword up. Had a friend print a Henry Cavill face and done!. I have since repainted his cloak as the white annoyed me, so it is now the same as the others, a nice beige on the inside and red on the outside.

Space Marine 2 has taken a huge chunk out of my hobby time. Great game. To celebrate getting platinum on it, I painted this model. Added some Deathwatch parts and an old school helmet. Haven't used him in a game yet, but am looking forward to it.
I do like flames.

Ballistus Dreadnought. Needed some anti-tank. It;s cheap. In theory does the job, provided I can roll higher than a two.

And that is the big update! 

Thanks for looking, Cheers!

Wednesday, 18 December 2024

From the webway...Eldar update

I have only painted a few units this year for my Eldar and only one game. I have mainly been playing and painting my Black Templar's, which will be in the next update.

That said, I added a much needed wraith unit and a spirit seer.

I am starting to run out of those bases, but this was nice and easy to paint from memory.

I didn't go crazy with the gems this time. Still, they look very cool. 

Thanks for looking.


Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Been awhile, but I have been busy!

 Been awhile.

 I have a ton of updates to share. I was originally going to do it as one post, but have since decided against it. So I will start off with this, my Chaos Lord on a manticore or a Chaos Warshrine.

The shield is from the ogroid therodons kit. The ladies are the slaves from the very old Dark Eldar kit from 3rd edition 40k.

Very happy with how it turned out. Storing it is a pain, but does look really cool. 

Thanks for looking!


Friday, 7 July 2023

Empire vs High Elves Warhammer Army Project battle report

 Firstly, I must give a thanks and an apologies for those wonderful people that have left comments on some of the posts I have done. I am unsure, but for some reason, I am unable to at present to comment on my own posts! A big thank you non the less.

As is customary for me, it has been awhile since the last post. Work, regrettably has consumed all my spare time, however, I have taken a much needed break and am on holidays for a few weeks. So I invited an old friend over to have a game of the greatest of all games, Warhammer Fantasy. We decided to do an old 5th edition scenario, Ambush. My Empire (2000 points), being ambushed by the neferious High Elves (1350 points).

I will add some rough commentary of the major events from the game in the photos I took, rather than a full blow by blow account. Hope you enjoy!


 Battle ground is set. We decided that General Heimerdinger was keen to pry the gems of the old High Elf mansion with his Runefang. The High Elves, naturally, were quite affronted by this callous disregard for their heritage.

The Empire marching column. Great visuals, with the High Elf ambush in full swing.
The old scenario in question. The war machines section meant that my War Wagon couldn't do anything until Turn 3. It does say that in turn2 on a 4+ it can act, but I knew that wouldn't happen, and I was right.

Empire react to the ambush. I lost 4 Reiksguard knights to the elf metal magic. So the remaining knight charged alone towards the enemy mage, though he did get hacked down by the Dragon Princes.
Chariots charge into the Reiksguard on foot. Unsurprising, they held the line and eventually beat off and ran down the chariots.
My lovely War Wagon, unable to move or do anything. The halberdiers got off a cheeky charge against the flank of the spearmen. Though clearly the energy required to get there was too much and they fumbled big time the attack.
Reiksguard Foot knights stare down the Dragon Princes. The Draogn Princes would charge, but over a few turns, the Reiksguard would hold there own and eventually run them down.
The Outriders (in yellow) took a terrible toll on the elves. Two great eagles and a unit of archers would die to their volleys. They were incredible. After this photo, there was only a couple of thins left for the elves. The Knights Panther charged into the spearment (this is after they wiped out the Swordmasters and elf mage), and that was effectively game, with the elves only having some archers left. 

I was a lovely game with a great opponent with fully painted armies and terrain. I think next time I will get more light to take better pictures.

We also had a chat about future games, and are planning in 6 weeks time to start are long awaited Eltharion vs Grom campaign. Here is the link to the old battle we played from the Warhammer 4th Edition starter set. I hope to progress this campaign here, with our take on the scenarios and forces used. 

Anyways, thanks for looking.

Tuesday, 25 April 2023

The Crusade musters...Black Templars part 1

I really haven't felt like painting for ages, so I was glad to get enthused about a new project. I have been eying off these guys since they came out, though wisely I waited to see if I would just bounce to another new project or if the fire really did burn brightly.

Fortunately, I felt the pull even now after the release so have decided to plunge into a primaris army, one of Black Templars. Being such a fan of Imperial Fists, and Sigismund in 30k, this isn't too much of a surprise. That said, my friends were shocked to see them on the field of battle. 

I was also inspired by De Hoofdwerker's blog, especially how they achieved their bases, which is such a homage to John Blanche's famous 3rd edition box set painting. So using this tutorial for the bases, and this one from Tale of Painters for the other parts, I had the basics of painting my Templars.

So with the hobby fires fired up as it were, I finished this model today to be the start of the Crusade.


Quite happy with how this model has turned out. I have also been fortunate to have played two games already. Hoping to get more under the belt before 9th is history.

Thanks for looking!