Monday 3 October 2022

Badab War Part 4 Final

 I can't believe it has been 5 months since my last post! I have been very busy in my defense, and have quite a few updates to do. I really need to work out a system to regularly post. If you know of one, please let me know.

Still, I have painted my initial 1000 points or so force of Minotaurs for the campaign. Very happy with them.

Did a quick finish of the chaplain. Very cool model from Forge World.
A unit of multimelta devastators.
Finally, my bodyguard for Asterion Moloc. They count as thunder hammer and storm shields. The spears and shields are 3D prints from somewhere. The shoulder pads are press molds from Moloc before I painted him. Really happy with this unit and they look amazing.

Final army shot along with the extra drop pods for the force. A nice little force and very happy with them. I have no plans to expand them at present. I need more Crusade games at this level before they require some expansion. I plan of dropping the devastators by drop pod so they can draw eyes on their targets.

That brings me up to date for this project. Hopefully by the end of the week, I can provide another update!

Thanks for looking!


  1. Those Multi-meltas will destroy anything they look at!
    A great looking force!

    1. Thanks very much! They have done very well in their limited outings so far.

  2. The shiny guys look totally cool. Both Moloc and Enkomi are awesome models and you have come up with an imposing force!

    1. Cheers! I am really proud of how they have come together.
