Sunday 10 November 2019

Update at long last

Well, despite the low activity on this blog, I have been rather busy hobby wise. Due to circumstances out of my control, the internet has been out of action for quite a while, so while it has hampered any updates, though not dampened the hobby.

I have been playing a lot of Kill Team, and have finished a bit of stuff for it.

First up I have finished the Kill Zone, Sector Munitorium.

 I took the slack method. Coloured spray can, dry brush brown and metal, wash with Agrax and Nuln. Done.
 I also did the crane and vehicles in the slack method. Spray the yellow, and metal separate. Assemble, do some details and wash in sepia. Done.
 With the barrels, it was the same as the above, though I used a gold sharpie as I had heard people using them, and I wanted to try it. Did a decent job, and was quick.
Finally the crates, which was the exact same as the crates, with the gold sharpie of course.

 In addition, I also finished the basic models of my Deathwatch Killteam.

 And lastly, I finally finished my version of Archamus for 30k/40k. This model has been on my desk for a long time, so it was good to clear it!

 I used an old fleet captain, with a Games Day Thunder Hammer, and of course a new sternguard head. The fur is just green stuff over one of my ancient power packs from long ago. The bionics, I not not sure where I got it from.

So, very busy!

Next up is either finishing painting another model on my desk, or maybe try a scheme for my Tallarn Killteam.

Thanks for looking, cheers!