Saturday 2 April 2022

Start of a Badab War...

It was time to take a break from the Empire for Warhammer Fantasy. My friend has wanted to do some games set in the Badab War for ages, and now was the time to make a start.

We both picked the armies. My friend went for Lamenters and I went for the Minotaurs. 

Since this army used to be my friends, I just copied his scheme and got into it. Quite refreshing to a quick paint scheme like this which also happens to be rather forgiving. I also found a use for my sand from Geek Gaming Scenics which worked well with these models. I also liked it as I have been watching a lot of Mandalorian and Boba Fett recently, and it just so happens this sand fits the dunes of Tattoine rather well. 

So here is my first squad, to really get my eye in on the scheme. Nice and quick, as I wanted 500 points of these done rather quickly.

I also applied some decals, which is are for me as I have had a bad history with them. This time I used the Micro Sol and Micro Set, which as you might expect, worked well.
These all have the old Minotaurs shoulder pads from Forgeworld and the limited edition heavy bolter marine.

Quite like how they turned out. Next up will be some devastators.

Thanks for looking.


  1. Very cool - quick and easy painting really lends itself to Space Marines. And of course the Badab War is very interesting indead - I just recently started a small force of Howling Griffons, but I think there might also be some Astral Claws in my future!

    1. Thanks! It also helped that I gave myself a time budget to paint this small force. I must say I do like the Badab War, and great to hear you have started to dabble. Will need to take a look!

  2. Nice! You can never go wrong with Minotaurs! Looking forward to seeing more of them!

    1. Thanks! Truely can't go wrong with spartans in space! Got the whole initial force now done.
