Thursday, 2 May 2013

Sternguard update

I have here an update on my Sternguard for my Imperial Fists. As I'm trying a few new paints, its taking longer, but I find that painting yellow always takes awhile anyway. So far I'm happy with the armour, just need to tidy up the details and add weathering and battle damage. Unsure at this stage as to do OSL for the eyes. We shall see. I decided to go for the white trims (and pad) as they are 1st company and I do follow the Codex Astartes (mostly) in terms of markings. Plus I think they look cool (always my first rule).

I think they are shaping up well. For those interested this is using a modified version of my old scheme which is;

Undecoat white (as opposed to my old blackundercoat, madness I know)
Yriel yellow (2 smooth coats)
recess wash of Agrax Earthshade
Build up the Yriel yellow again
Bad Moon yellow highlight (old citadel paint)
Light glaze of Gryphonne sepia
Touch up with Yriel Yellow

Next will be the details, base and battle damage. Let me know what you think.


  1. He looks good. However, while the small shields look great one looking at the Astartes straight-on, they look veeeeery weird from the side.

    Liking the new yellow too, looks good :)

    1. Very true about the shields. However its not something you tend to notice in game, plus they really do look good at most angles.

      The yellow seems to be a lot easier than the Golden Yellow I used before. Much more pigment in it, which is always a good thing!

  2. Looking good! The switch to the new paints looks like it has gone smoothly. Yellow and white... you certainly like using difficult colours! Good job in pulling it off.

    1. Thanks! Yeah I never like to make it easy for myself, but at least the yellow and the white look striking.

  3. Great, great colours! I'm impressed, I never get that yellow! (nor white!)

  4. Cheers! I tend to not like to make it easy for myself!
